Saturday, June 4, 2011


So I didn't blog on Friday due to getting slightly sick after seeing Xmen... Not that Xmen made me sick, It was actually a really good movie, but the popcorn on the other hand, did. BOO to popcorn. I thought since I don't really have a current affair I really want to blog about today, (there are plenty to pick I just don't want do to any of them) I'll use this Saturday blog to go over the live music of this week.

Here Come the Mummies is at the Bluebird in Bloomington tonight. Not my cup of tea but they put on a pretty interesting show!

Alejandro Escovedo is at the Vogue on Monday (6/9)

Alison Krauss and Union Station will be at the Lawn @ White River State Park on Thursday (6/10) I love working at the Lawn and being able to hear great music LIVE even as I work. So looking forward to listening to Alison!

Friday the 10th is by far the most hectic concert date of the season :( I hate it when everything happens on one night. We have Iron & Wine at the Vogue, which I will be attending. Happy Birthday Kristy! Panic at the Disco will be at the Egyptian Room at the Old National Centre (Murat) and probably the most disappointing part of it all.... The Black Keys will be at the Lawn. I am SO bummed I will be missing both of these shows. But even more so The Black Keys. I expect at least one person who will be there to keep up with the texts so I don't miss a thing :)

Thursday, June 2, 2011


Today is Thursday and that means MUSIC TIME!!! I have three songs that I've had on repeat the past few days.

1. Tegan and Sara, The Con :
I love this song so much. It doesn't matter what kind of mood I'm in, this song makes me want to dance. I'm not sure the song should make me want to dance... And really I cant dance so it's probably best that I DON'T dance, but I want to when I hear this song. I'm an emotions kind of girl. The more you can feel the emotion in a song, no matter what that emotion is, the more I love that song. Most of Tegan and Sara's song you feel the emotion and you say "yea I have felt like that before." or "I feel that way right now" This song just stands out as my favorite for the emotional pull they have on me.

2. Death Cab for Cutie, Lack of Color:
Once again this is an emotional thing. This song is so pretty, and so soft and so heartbreaking. I love it. I love how simple the song is, yet says everything you ever want a chance to say to someone. Makes you think really hard and dig down deep for the feelings you want, and keeps you feeling great at the same time.

3. Blue Foundation, Eyes on Fire (Zeds Dead Remix):
Thank you Tyler for this one. After he sent me a link to the video, I became in love with this version of the song. While Twilight introduced me to the song, I didn't have an attachment to it until now. The dude dancing helps, but something about this remix once again makes me want to dance. Of course after watching this guy dance, I will stay seated :)

( of course I've added the link to the video Tyler sent me)

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Xmen, Hockey, and Hangovers....

So I actually have a few subjects to blog about tonight. YAAY FOR ME!

I wanna start with the Hangover II. I went on Thursday to see it ( I know not technically this week but I cant pass up the chance to rave about it.) This movie is a must see. No movie sequel should ever be compared to the first. With that being said, this movie kept the same attitude and storyline as the first, but it was very much its own movie. It was raunchy, crude, hilarious, and at times frightening.... pretty much everything I want in a movie. I would worship just about anything Zach Galifianakis does. His awkward humor that leaves you wondering if you should laugh or not is the greatest thing to happen to ANY movie, let alone something as awesome as this one. Bradly Cooper makes Phil, the burned out father/husband who creates chaos wherever he goes, seem like such a badass. Then there is Stu... If I were lucky enough to be part of a wolf pack I would be the Stu of the group. Ed Helms creates the greatest worrier in the world. Everything about his poor choices and insane phobias make the character of Stu my favorite.

"When a monkey nibbles on a weenis, it is funny in any language" Well said Alan... Well said.

Next up, Xmen Origins. My dad and I will be going to see this on Friday night after work. I am really excited for this. I'm sort of a comic geek. While I can't carry on great conversations and I don't know everything there is to know about comics, I can appreciate and respect the novels/books/whatever is created, that brings us such great stories of heroes and beings that keep "our world" safe. Xmen isn't one I know a great deal about outside of the movies Hollywood has given us, but I do enjoy those movies and hope to add this one to a favorite. I'll let you know what I think of it on Monday.

With that, I leave you all with a few simple thoughts on one of my favorite sports. Tonight I am FINALLY able to watch my first playoff hockey games. I work way too much and missed every game my Hawks played. Because of that, and to support my buddy Kate, I will be cheering for Boston in this final round for the Stanley Cup. GO BRUINS!!!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Pet Peeve Tuesday!!!

Ok so I forgot to blog yesterday... what else is new??? But I'm here today!! And its Pet Peeve Tuesday!!!

First pet peeve I'd like to start this all off with is speeding through school zones. I cannot stand the way people fly through school zones like they are above every law. It makes me upset that if a child were to have wandered off, 90% of the people I see speeding would never be able to stop fast enough to avoid hitting that child. This is an easy thing to avoid. Just slow down for the block (that's as far as I can remember a school zone lasting). I don't see why everyone has to be in that big of a hurry that a child's safety is longer important. I know I would like to know the children I love are safe from idiot drivers as they walk to school, wait for the bus, or even play outside around the school during recess. I'd also like to know the older kids I love who can drive or have friends that can drive them to school, are safe from people driving like idiots as these kids try to make it to school safely. Its a simple answer to a problem that could end in extremely bad ways. You have to take a defensive driving course if you're caught speeding in a school zone... that course alone is $60. Not to mention the cost of the ticket. I got a ticket for parking once and it alone cost me $145... I can't imagine what a speeding ticket through a school zone cost....

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Turning a new leaf... sort of...

I think its time to really buckle down and do more blogging.

My first order of business, if you will, is to create a mission statement of the sort for this blog.

I don't live a very interesting life, and I'm still not sure who would ever want to read my blogs. That's what makes it so hard to keep up with this... No one ever says "hey Megg, when are you gonna update your blog??" So I end up just periodically rambling on here with no purpose. So I am creating my own purpose to blog. Making it a PERMANENT way for me to let everything out.

I've decided every day will be a different theme to blog about. I don't mean like day 1 is one theme, day 2 is another and so forth. I mean Monday's will be one specific subject, Tuesday's are another etc... And each day I will write about the subject at hand. Sometimes it will be 100% personal satisfaction to write about the events happening. And sometimes they may be entertaining , useful and at some point interactive entries... Though at this point interactive is kinda silly until people actually want to follow, care, and read my blog.

Monday May 30th will be my official first post. From there on out, I will blog EVERYDAY. Here is a run down of what I will blog about each day (in case anyone in blog/Internet land cares)

Mondays will be a weekend review. Whether I'm working or actually enjoying my weekend, the weekend is my busiest time of the week. Mondays I will be recapping whatever it was I did over the weekend. This will serve as my main day for personal rambling.

Tuesdays will be pet peeve day. I hope to get interaction out of this. My pet peeves (and I have quite a few) all come from 2 main categories...1 Driving and 2 The General Public. I think that both are popular choices to involve discussions on why each action is a pet peeve and why everyone feels the actions happen.

Wednesdays will be movie/tv day. I chose Wednesday for this for 2 reasons. 1. DVD's coming out on Tuesdays and discussing them on Wednesday gives me enough time to actually go and purchase the DVD to watch it before talking about it. and 2. While most movies open in theaters on Fridays, some open at midnight on Thursday and sometimes Wednesday. I can then share my excitement on what I am looking forward to seeing over the up coming weekend. Now as I mentioned, this will also be tv day. Though tv day will be more relevant in the fall/winter when most of my favorite shows are showing new episodes.

Thursdays will be my most important day in my opinion... MUSIC DAY!!!! I'll discuss what I've been listening to and what songs have been influencing me the most. I hope this topic becomes extremely interactive and someone will start reading and help suggest new music to me to listen to and gain a full discussion on the great music that is out there!

Fridays will be my favorite blogging day (not to be confused with my important day haha) LIVE CONCERT DAY!!! (see where my priorities lie yet???) I'll go over what shows I'll be attending the upcoming week, what shows I want to attend, and also what shows I DON'T want to attend but will still be here. That way anyone who is reading will know exactly what is going on here in Indy the up coming week.

Saturdays will be current affairs day. I am pretty opinionated on whats going on in our world. This will be my day to let it all out on how I feel about the things going on around us.

Sundays I'm going to try to make it a Lupus awareness blog. This is a very personal subject for me seeing as how much Lupus effects my family. I will definitely be blogging about Lupus and what the Lupus Foundation on America is doing where in Indianapolis at least through October and our Walk for Lupus Now event.

Monday, September 13, 2010

2010 VMAs

The 2010 VMA's were pretty much a snooze fest.

I was pretty bored by most of the performances. Here is what I thought of them:

Advertising marked "Eminems great comeback" If I were Eminem, and this were my great comeback, I think maybe a little shock and awe would be necessary... I'm Eminem for crying out loud. The two songs he has busting through the charts are two of the greatest he has ever created. Not to mention who pulls off controversial better than Em??? I don't mean it has to be all Borat sticking his ass in his face to pull off some stupid fake fight, but the craziest part of the performance was Rihanna's hair...

Justin Bieber... Oh my little buddy, how adorable is he??? Too bad every live performance is the same thing. Bieber, while being a teen sensation, is still really a one hit wonder at this point. He has multiple songs out, so why not spice it up a bit and do that? We all know Sean Kingston was on site, why not do "Eenie Meenie" with him... THAT would have been something we all hadn't seen before like promised... instead of "Baby" and a drum solo (We just saw that last week on the re-run of Oprah)

Usher very easily could have taken best performance of the night... but later acts stole the show. Not to mention the back up track sang most of the performance for him. While breathing heavy from all the dancing into the mic, it was still obvious there was a bit of lip syncing going on here. With that being said, I am a sucker for dancers. It all comes from a lack of being able to dance myself. So watching Usher becomes sort of hypnotic for me. His dancing, his dancers, the lights and how perfectly spot on his moves were was amazing and beautiful. "O.M.G." is a fun song, not exactly my favorite, but when i hear it i stop and listen... I'm not a fan of "DJ Got Us Fallin' In Love" though.

I was a little confused by the Florence and the Machine performance, though that doesn't mean I didn't like it. I really enjoyed how her setup had her performing more for us fans at home and not necessarily for everyone inside the Nokia Theater. Its a great song and her outfit was beautiful, though the dancers, like in the video, slightly creeped me out. But once again that doesn't mean I didn't like it. I rate this best performance of the night. It was different, and theatrical and gave me goosebumps. It made me go "wtf is going on" and I loved that.

Taylor Swift... blah blah blah. After last years VMA's I felt sorry for Taylor for like a whole 2 minutes. When I heard she would be performing this year's VMAS with a song she wrote about last years, I was excited. Mainly because I wanted to see the anger or something from her that would lead to a song that wasn't about princesses or high school love or everything else that make all of her songs so immature. The set up for the song, really cool. Taylor's look, really sophisticated and grown up. The song? BORING. Taylor looked and sounded like she was struggling through it. I'm very happy with the grown up aspect of the song, after all it was what I wanted to see. But for something she claims to have written about Kanye, its seemed really hypocritical telling Kanye he had a lot of growing up to do... I dunno. Maybe I expected too much.

Drake gets my vote for worst performance of the night (Well worst performance during the actual awards show... Nicki Manaj is a whole 'nother story) . Mary J. Blige always ruins things. This performance could have been HUGE for Drake and his breakthrough into the music scene. I think it was a classy performance ( until Drake shouted out "Free Weezy!" at the end) and big names like Mary J Blige should be huge. But shes the type of artist who needs her own stage. Her need to carry out a note for 10 minutes makes her upstage whoever is with her, and not in a good way. I would have enjoyed a lot more rap from Drake. I hope to see better in the future.

I'll admit it. I am obsessed with B.O.B. Especially "Airplanes" my usually has B.O.B as one of my top artists of the week, and you can pretty much bet the number of times I've listened to "Airplanes" is the number of times says I've listened to the artist. I was really excited when B.O.B was announced as part of the Paramore performance. It only seemed right that "Airplanes" get a little bit of the spotlight from the night, so I'm glad they fit it in. The simplistic approach to just Bruno Mars and the piano and then B.O.B and then eventually Haley made for a great performance between the artist. Haley looked awkward in the chosen outfit, and she stood out tremendously after joining up with the rest of Paramore." Only Exception" seemed like a very anti-climatic finish to a great build up of the three chosen songs.

I wasn't even aware Linkin Park was still a band... and after their VMA performance... maybe they shouldn't be. There is a lot of talent in that band stemming from all different areas... yet I've never felt that potential has been met. The best thing the band has done was mash their songs with Jay-Z. The setup was spectacular I'll give them that. Using the Griffith Observatory as a backdrop was a great idea. The new song, "The Catalyst" however felt like it was created to fit in and not follow the normal Linkin Park feel. I hope the lack of the "rap-metal" (i hate that term by the way) vibe in "The Catalyst" isn't what we should expect from the new album. Otherwise, they really shouldn't still be a band.

Kanye, Kanye, Kanye. I loved the performance. The song was good, but the white stage, red outfit combo of the performance made it. I had said the song went on "This is my favorite performance this evening... best for last" then he turned on the auto-tunes. DAMNIT KANYE! Don't give in to such nonsense. Lyrically, the song said a lot about his past year and I think the chorus let us all know, he's still Kanye, and he's not about to let us down. I think out of all the performances, Kanye's performance was the only one that made me want to see more. Like if I didn't know who any one of 9 performances (10 if you count Paramore and B.O.B seperate) were, Kanye would be the one I'd seek out afterwards.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Jack's Mannequin/Andrew McMahon

Just watched the video for "Swim"... Rumor has it its not the offical video that will be out, but either way the video that is said to be it right now...Im sitting here at work trying to hold back tears, that video is just amazing. Its all live footage and things of that nature. Nothing really original to it. But the pure power of Andrew McMahon on stage, whether it be live or like now on my computer, is just way too much for me. He is just that amazing. I was on the fench about whether I should work the show when Jack's and the Fray are here, because quite frankly I need the money. But I feel I need to see Andrew perform again more than I need that money. I dont think I could forgive myself if I missed it.